Accelerate your career path

Looking to excel professionally and reach the pinnacle of your career? 我们的研究生课程可以帮助你开辟自己的道路,追求你的目标,实现你的梦想.



Master of Arts in Leadership

成为你一直知道自己可以成为的领导者:坚韧、包容、有道德. Make a difference in your work, home, community and personal life.


Master of Business Administration

Set yourself apart in your field with an MBA. Learn how to better lead teams and improve the bottom line.


Master of Arts in Counseling

心理咨询硕士课程旨在培养能够熟练提供直接服务的高素质心理健康咨询师, knowledgeable about current empirical and theoretical developments, and capable of critically evaluating clinical re搜索. The program follows a competency-based, 从业者模式,是专为成人学习者谁正在寻求国家执照在心理健康咨询. 实践者模式主要强调学生在临床咨询设置专业人员的生产性职业生涯的准备. 课程作业和有监督的实践经验提供了学习和发展评估问题行为和干预儿童的技能的机会, 成年人, 夫妻, families and groups. 这种方法包含了道德、专业和跨专业的问题. 心理咨询硕士课程的教师是心理健康咨询领域的执业专业人士. 


Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

The Masters in Education (M.Ed.)项目致力于特别关注K-12教师的需求. 许多通过我们在内布拉斯加州的现场研究生课程提供的课程在全州的K-12学校举行. 澳门威尼斯人网址的课程与教学研究生学位包括课程作业和实地经验. 我们的课程旨在提高学生的知识、态度和技能. In addition to offering courses online and on our campuses. 


Master of Education in Educational Leadership

教育领导计划为内布拉斯加州的学校助理校长和校长职位的候选人做好准备. Our innovative program began in the summer of 1996, 它是与内布拉斯加州的实习学校管理人员合作开发的,并采用了国家教育行政政策委员会的建议. 研究生课程完全由中北部协会认可, 内布拉斯加州和全国教师教育认证委员会(NCATE). What skills do leaders need to make a difference in school? As a graduate student, 您将通过一系列综合课程和经验来回答这个核心问题,这些课程和经验侧重于K-12学校中学校领导的各个方面. 课程包括:与成功的地区领导者分享他们独特的领导方法, student success and expertise. A complex understanding of the role of leaders through classroom learning, field experience, reflective activities and action-based re搜索. 如何管理变化和创造代表教与学的协作行动. 您将在一小组学生中完成该计划,允许更多基于概念的过程,而不是基于班级的过程, and building relationships that continue long past commencement. 


Master of Education in School Counseling

学校咨询教育硕士是为那些想成为高能力的学校咨询师的人设计的. 学生将准备在小学、中学和高中与不同的人群一起工作. 学术准备遵循国家和认证委员会制定的指导方针. As a graduate, you will:  become skilled in the delivery of services within school, 了解学校咨询项目的当前趋势,有能力建立和实施干预措施,以满足儿童和青少年的需求,有能力与其他学校人员合作, 家庭和社区服务能够进行认知评估, behavioral and academic needs of children and youth.


Education Specialist Degree

Doane's Education Specialist program, an advanced academic degree, 培养候选人成为学区组织或系统层面的领导者, social service agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and other organizations engaged in the service of others. 


Doctorate of Education

澳门威尼斯人网址的教育博士学位(EdD)通过培养现代教育领导者所需的高度专业化的知识和技能来培养澳门威尼斯人网址领导者. 这个实践者学位侧重于研究及其应用. 


Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology

教学设计与技术硕士在线学位课程提供了利用高等教育中增长最快的领域之一所需的知识和技能, corporate training and other educational institutions.

Certificate 图标

Initial Program at the Advanced Level for Certification (Fast Track)

高级认证初级课程为候选人在小学(K-6)教学做准备。, 在中学阶段(7-12岁,在澳门威尼斯人网址认可的领域)和特殊教育阶段(K-12). Secondary endorsement areas include the sciences, 数学, social sciences, 英语, language arts, foreign languages, and art (K-12).

It’s not tuition – it’s an investment.

An education pays dividends. Our financial aid team will walk you through options – like scholarships, 奖助金, 贷款或勤工俭学项目——这些都有助于支持你来澳门威尼斯人网址的决定.
Master of Arts in Leadership 研究生 with Roger Hughes at Graduation

5 reasons to attend Doane

Students walking down campus stairs
Student in cap and gown

Finish your degree with flexibility

研究表明,文理学院的学生威尼斯人官网的比例高于公立大学. Let us help make that happen.

An education that’s a great value

There are no hidden fees or add-ons to your bill here—we’re all about value. We know your education is an investment, that’s why we offer an outstanding education at an affordable cost.
Career Counselor
Professor at Doane

A college of opportunity

We offer students a unique, 包容的环境在亲密的教室约11名学生和教授. You’ll receive practical knowledge to get an edge over the competition.

Doane degrees matter

自1913年获得认证以来,我们致力于帮助您成为最好的自己. 2018届毕业生中有86%已经就业或继续接受教育.
Doane Tiger statue on campus
Doane staff with prospective student

We support your journey

We give you the tools and encourage you to succeed. We also help make decisions— like financial aid, 实习, 面试, and class schedules— easier for you.



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